In between finishing my dissertation and panicking about my Hilbert Spaces coursework, I took some photos! Whilst in Thetford Forest with assorted family, family friends, family friends families and so forth, I thought I'd get some nice shots of the local wildlife.
Firstly though, the lesser spotted "Liverpool Street Pigeon" took a fair while to get him to stand in the right place so that the tiled floor pulled your eyes into the picture, but there were enough chips lying around on the floor to use as bait.
And some more London dwellers: Portrait style. Although I still think it counts as wildlife photography...sorry Rach!

One more for luck - this one works best with Madness singing "It Must Be Love" in the's difficult to get a more soppy picture! I didn't do the soft-focus on purpose, it was just that somebody had decided it was a good idea to relocate the entire North Sea to Norfolk all at once. Wet is not the word.*
Anyway, I did get some proper wildlife, but I'll save that until after the Hilbert Spaces deadline.
Ta ta for now,
*Wet is, in fact, the word.