There were 7 of us altogether, and full credit goes to everyone else for putting up with me pausing for photos every 30 seconds. Especially with the following shot, of the Piazza del Popolo on the Saturday night before we flew home:
It took quite a few rounds of diving in to the middle of the road, quickly composing, exposing, and running away again before I finally got the photo that matched what I seeing in my head - and an oncoming car at just the right time provided the icing on the cake in the form of that sunburst at the base of the pillar!
When everyone else finally dragged me away from the side road - which was seemingly never-ending, at least while we walked up it - in to the square at the end of the road, we were not disappointed:
Despite it being late, this was clearly the cool place to be in Rome on a Saturday night - the square was filled with locals and the odd tourist, with people playing chilled out music and generally enjoying the gorgeous summer nights. I found a nearby bollard which brought my GorillaPod up to a decent height, and opened the shutter up as wide as I dared. This was a 25 second exposure, which really gave time for the detail in the hieroglyphs to come through and let the milling people become a lovely indistinct crowd.
Just one more before I go, because it's compulsory to take a picture of the Colosseum when you're in Rome. It was about a 2 minute walk from our Hostel, but I couldn't convince a car to come round and leave me some nice light trails at the right time! I did have some more success elsewhere with light trails - but that can wait until next time...
Watch this space for more from the wonderful city of Rome next week...