Don't Panic! My laptop may have stopped working. Slightly. Just a bit. Well, totally.
So no new photos until at least next week when I can get a good look at it...maybe one that I find lying about on my hard drive if you're (un)lucky. Sorry!
"The first 10,000 photographs are your worst." - Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Friday, 30 March 2012
Sunday, 25 March 2012
East Bergholt
More countryside shots of East Bergholt today - got to love that rural feeling. Here's the Donkey Track again:
Gorgeous evening sunlight could make a cracking shot out of pretty much anything, and Constable Country is pretty picturesque anyway to be honest. I like the way the trees look red, almost autumnal. Definitely summer today though - my flip flops prove it. Anyway, here's some primroses:

OK, one of them may have been made up. Not telling which.
I had a few goes with different apertures to experiment with how focused I wanted the trees in the background to be - at first they were too blurry and there was no context whatsoever. I like to think I found the pleasant middle ground.
I'll take some more exciting photos soon, I promise - I'll take loads of photos when I go on holiday somewhere exotic...which may be a while. It may have to be East Bergholt again - maybe some portraits, or a photo of an escaped puma...
Thursday, 22 March 2012
Bright Colours! Must be Suffolk
What's that you say?! A picture which isn't a dismal train under overcast skies?! Well, it can only mean I'm back in Sunny Suffolk, surely!
That's right. For those of you haven't guessed from all the bits about Suffolk in the previous paragraph/title, I'm back in East Bergholt - and where there's East Bergholt, there's sun! Sometimes. OK, quite rarely. Anyway, here's some flowers:
I also wanted to show you this shot of THE donkey track, iconic East Bergholt icon since ever. I am still yet to see a donkey on it though. It took me sodding ages to get the starburst effect coming off the sun, so I hope you appreciate it!

That one was taken yesterday afternoon, and I've got a few more from the same shoot that I'll upload in the next few days. Until then, I need to go and write about why Husserl is wrong. Which I should be doing now. Can I count this as part of my essay?
No? OK then. In that case bye for now,
Sunday, 18 March 2012
I went to the New Forest on Friday, partly in the hope of getting some stunning pictures and partly in the hope of getting a stunning pub lunch. At least one of these things happened...
If anybody wants to know a brilliant food pub in Brockenhurst, do let me know.
Unfortunately this isn't a blog dedicated to the amazing Ringwood beer-batter, so you get to see some patchy shots of a train instead. Sorry!
Monday, 12 March 2012
More Suffolk Publicity Shots
OK, these are actually Essex, but taken in the general direction of Suffolk. It's the thought that counts.
These are the last photos I'm going to put up from my first weekend with my camera last October, at least for a while. New stuff coming soon, honest! At any rate, these shots are of the Stour Estuary at Manningtree in the early morning. Well, it was about 7.30, which is early for me! They're more about me testing the settings on my camera than about anything clever compositionally, but I think they've both got a certain charm to them.
One day I'll go to this river and there will actually be a decent level of water in it...I've been assured that it does fill up, it just never seems to do so when I'm there!
See you soon,
These are the last photos I'm going to put up from my first weekend with my camera last October, at least for a while. New stuff coming soon, honest! At any rate, these shots are of the Stour Estuary at Manningtree in the early morning. Well, it was about 7.30, which is early for me! They're more about me testing the settings on my camera than about anything clever compositionally, but I think they've both got a certain charm to them.

See you soon,
Saturday, 10 March 2012
A Close Knit Group
OK, I know. No bad puns as blog titles. I'll try and remember in future, although I'm definitely not making any guarantees...
Being as we're a mere nine months away from Christmas, here's something to get you in the mood. I don't really think of this a Christmas picture anyway, which is my excuse for putting it up here. I just like all the contrasts - soft and solid, old and new, austere and playful. Where there's a contrast, there's a photo.
At any rate, it always makes me smile. And if that's not a good reason to take a photo then I don't know what is.
Thursday, 8 March 2012
A Brief Stroll in the Country, part 2
This is another photo from that same shoot when I first road tested my camera. I like the subtle flash of colour in the clouds, and the reflection in the lake. Minutes after I took this the sky lit up with a gorgeous sunset, but this shot's nicer - no whopping great tree branches in the way, for a start.
P.S - This post is in no way sponsored by the Suffolk tourist board. Although if they're out there, I'm more than open to offers...
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
A Brief Stroll in the Country, part 1

More to come later - thought I'd heighten the suspense with the old shots while I go and take some more photos...
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
I've never really taken photographs in heavy mist before, so when I went over to Southampton common this weekend it was with somewhat mixed results. The three pictures below are fairly representative though - very drained colours, detail lost in the background, but with the opportunity for some interesting effects.
Sunday, 4 March 2012
Southampton Common, 1992

Saturday, 3 March 2012
...and Evening!
Hello again! Hopefully, it's now dark outside and I'm busy elsewhere doing something constructive with a saxophone. So, for your calm, relaxing Saturday evening enjoyment, here's a rainy night drive along the M25. Don't say I never get you anything nice!
I don't know why I like this shot - but it's got a nice atmosphere that brings to mind sitting in the passenger seat with the heating turned up full, something nice on the radio and someone else dealing with driving through the rain. There's just long enough a shutter speed to get the lights reflected in the spray from the car in front, and the blurriness just brings home that sleepy feeling of dozing off in the front seat for me. Bliss.
I don't know why I like this shot - but it's got a nice atmosphere that brings to mind sitting in the passenger seat with the heating turned up full, something nice on the radio and someone else dealing with driving through the rain. There's just long enough a shutter speed to get the lights reflected in the spray from the car in front, and the blurriness just brings home that sleepy feeling of dozing off in the front seat for me. Bliss.
This one's from the back garden of my house in Southampton, winter sunlight coming through tree branches.
Friday, 2 March 2012
James before America
So, my friend James has just left to America for a semester abroad. Here he is last week in the pub round the corner, before he started spelling "colour" without a u. Staring soulfully at an empty glass...I'm saying nothing.
Have a great semester James, don't work too hard...
Have a great semester James, don't work too hard...
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Colourful Graffiti and Monochrome Dogs
What's that? You can't have a photo blog with only 2 photos? Fine. Here's some more. They come from a category I call "Colourful Graffiti and Monochrome Dogs". It's a niche...
Colourful Graffiti
Monochrome Dog
Colourful Graffiti
Monochrome Dog
The first proper post
Hello. Welcome to my blog. I'm a bit new to this (read: have never had a blog in my life) but I wanted somewhere to showcase some of my pictures. I know I'm no photographic Picasso at the moment, but with any luck over time you'll start to see an improvement in my photos.
If you don't like cheesy speeches, skip the next paragraph.
Dear friends, I hope you'll travel with me on this journey of discovery as I try to work out more than the basics of "AV", "TV", "M", "ISO" and so on and so forth. Together, we can truly learn something about what makes a photo great (or at least OK), and perhaps all learn something about ourselves on the way too.
OK, exaggerated cheese over. Picture time! Apologies if this one doesn't come out formatted too well - like I said, I'm learning the layout. This is a sample of the pictures I've taken over the past few months - too many to put them all here, but from now on it'll be updated frequently.
So, photo number one. Of 10,000. This is going to be a long blog...this is one of the first photos I took with my new 600D, it's a footpath near Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk.

My final photo for the moment, and also probably my favourite so far. A leaf in the early morning sun at Manningtree, Essex.
That's all for now. Although having said that, there'll probably be another post in a few minutes when I remember that I've got a blog.
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