Hello. Welcome to my blog. I'm a bit new to this (read: have never had a blog in my life) but I wanted somewhere to showcase some of my pictures. I know I'm no photographic Picasso at the moment, but with any luck over time you'll start to see an improvement in my photos.
If you don't like cheesy speeches, skip the next paragraph.
Dear friends, I hope you'll travel with me on this journey of discovery as I try to work out more than the basics of "AV", "TV", "M", "ISO" and so on and so forth. Together, we can truly learn something about what makes a photo great (or at least OK), and perhaps all learn something about ourselves on the way too.
OK, exaggerated cheese over. Picture time! Apologies if this one doesn't come out formatted too well - like I said, I'm learning the layout. This is a sample of the pictures I've taken over the past few months - too many to put them all here, but from now on it'll be updated frequently.
So, photo number one. Of 10,000. This is going to be a long blog...this is one of the first photos I took with my new 600D, it's a footpath near Stoke-by-Nayland, Suffolk.

My final photo for the moment, and also probably my favourite so far. A leaf in the early morning sun at Manningtree, Essex.
That's all for now. Although having said that, there'll probably be another post in a few minutes when I remember that I've got a blog.
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