Everybody likes lines. Here's some partly imaginary lines with things at the end!
First up, a field.
OK, there's nothing especially interesting going on here, I just liked the repeating pattern of the furrows. They do give the picture a real sense of depth though, as your gaze is drawn from the front of the image into it to the houses in the distance. If there's a vanishing point, it's on roughly the top right third where the lines seem to be leading - I was trying to get more of a glint from the car parked there, but as it is there's just a highlighted spot. On the other hand, the next photo has a lot more going for it, photographically speaking...

Yes, it's a ladybird! And it's not just a ladybird, it's clearly a ladybird that's going places. When you first see this picture, you're drawn to the contrast of the red insect against green tree, and that's exactly where all the lines are leading. I took this as an attempt at seeing different ways of guiding where whoever's looking at the photo (that's you) looks. In addition to the contrast in colour, if you look at the out of focus area, you'll naturally be drawn back towards the sharp area on the top right third. The strongest line in the photo is that of the branch, and the eye follows it from bottom left upwards towards the ladybird...it gives a real sense that that's where it has come from, and that this is an insect on a journey. It's not quite Everest, but to the ladybird it could be something close...
Anyway, work time.
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