Tuesday 3 April 2012

One for the horse lovers...

Laptop is back in action, so more photos again today. It's a compare and contrast - one corking photo of a horse (makes a good desktop background, by the way) and one incredibly mediocre one.

First off, the cracking horse (in Suffolk, of course!):
I'm liking that one...different to the standard "horse in the middle of a field, placed in the bottom third, edge of the field running along a third, horse miles away in the distance" type photo you often get. Probably in the New Forest.


Well, it's OK. But nowhere near as much spark as the first one. Frankly, the horse looks bored. I don't blame him. He's probably seen the photo.

Anyway, now that Laptop is alive, there will be more photos to come soon...spoiler alert: probably not horses.

Have a great Easter,


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